My practice is interdisciplinary and generative in results often with intimate sculptures and object installations. I am interested in objects that synergise intimacies with the body and yearn for completeness within absents and separation. I am motivated by the differences within my practice and how works can become questioned and altered by engagement and evoking exploratory understandings.

My research unfolds metaphysical values that converge ideas around the intent of magic on material thinking and speculative folklore. This is a continual investment of interest and development. These values are exposed, compressed and fabulised within working methodologies that collectively pull together transitionary states, and confessions of experience.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Week 1 and the first 7 objects of project whisper

It is really interesting to see as a set my week made in seven objects. I’m enjoying the act of making something every day and dedicating minuets and hours for a day wearable outcome. I think I am personally liking the work that was made in under 3mins on the sixth of Jan.

2/1/14 ‘shadow’, brooch, card, paper, plastic, metal detector find, cotton
6/1/14 ‘muzzle’, pendent, pot dog, resin, nylon

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