My practice is interdisciplinary and generative in results often with intimate sculptures and object installations. I am interested in objects that synergise intimacies with the body and yearn for completeness within absents and separation. I am motivated by the differences within my practice and how works can become questioned and altered by engagement and evoking exploratory understandings.

My research unfolds metaphysical values that converge ideas around the intent of magic on material thinking and speculative folklore. This is a continual investment of interest and development. These values are exposed, compressed and fabulised within working methodologies that collectively pull together transitionary states, and confessions of experience.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Moons, Masks



Paper, aluminium, shoe laces



That feeling when you need to stop ignoring something, confront it, and let it go. To translate crudely Kill it to change its current form. I started with the physicality of using my body and having a death mask taken. The endurance of this procedure seemed to fit more than initially planned. The time under the cast, in the cold, the dark and the silence with myself gave me the opportunity to re-prepare for welcoming the light (having the cast removed). This was a considered preparation and the death mask itself a totem of a remedy distilled in a moment of my own face. Importance now lied in what do I do with its potency of the object? Dilute it!

I took casts of the cast each taking part of the rooted purpose with it. An involvement of making that made my hands draw the contours and voids of my face over and over again to reveal a new offering of a simple mask that will restrict the living acts of the face if worn.   

In plain sight I couldn’t recognise myself, I saw my deceased Farther. Something distant that sits in my blood has been surfaced in this work.


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