My practice is interdisciplinary and generative in results often with intimate sculptures and object installations. I am interested in objects that synergise intimacies with the body and yearn for completeness within absents and separation. I am motivated by the differences within my practice and how works can become questioned and altered by engagement and evoking exploratory understandings.

My research unfolds metaphysical values that converge ideas around the intent of magic on material thinking and speculative folklore. This is a continual investment of interest and development. These values are exposed, compressed and fabulised within working methodologies that collectively pull together transitionary states, and confessions of experience.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Object Keepers

"Remember, every object that is kept must have a keeper" Powell, R. 2005,

this quote for me trigger a thread of thinking, is it more important if the work is wearable making the object and the keeper in this relationship where one can not work without the other? and furthermore does the keeper need to know about the object being kept?
 cameos (the object and the witness)
sewn into the inside label of clothing to be donated to charity shops.

the safety of objects

experimenting with surface and the ideas of packaging this surface is a glue made from polystyrene.

Object Owners

a research tool asking participants to nominate an object that says something about their week with no annotation. this strengthened my research into the reading of objects and how this I a foundation to my working practice. these objects once documented were then wrapped in a copper skin and sent back out at random, creating a surface that could collect memory through degrade of materials.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Dust Collectors...

sticky badges worn my strangers collecting their experience with dust...


the same but differnt; the locket a surface treatment

my investigations into ideas of memory and objects and how we use things to document our experience has led no a number of experimental works looking at surface treatments. how when worn items can change thus collecting memory. this is a re-thinking of the idea of the traditional locket.

the kiss locket